Powerful Date and Time Functions

Date and Time Functions in Excel: TODAY, NOW, EOMONTH, and WORKDAY

Are you tired of manually entering dates and times in your Excel spreadsheets? Do you struggle to calculate dates and times accurately? Well, you’re in luck Excel has a range of date and time functions that can make your life easier. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore four essential date and time functions in Excel: TODAY, NOW, EOMONTH, and WORKDAY.

Date and Time Functions in Excel

What are Date and Time Functions in Excel?

Date and time functions in Excel are a set of formulas that allow you to work with dates and times in your spreadsheets. These functions can help you perform various tasks, such as:

  • Entering the current date and time
  • Calculating dates and times
  • Formatting dates and times
  • Extracting specific parts of a date or time

The TODAY Function

The TODAY function is one of the most commonly used date and time functions in Excel. It returns the current date, without the time. The syntax for the TODAY function is:


Here’s an example:

The TODAY Function

The NOW Function

The NOW function is similar to the TODAY function, but it returns the current date and time. The syntax for the NOW function is:


Here’s an example:

=NOW()2023-02-20 14:30:00
The NOW Function

The EOMONTH Function

The EOMONTH function returns the last day of the month, a specified number of months before or after a date. The syntax for the EOMONTH function is:

EOMONTH(start_date, months)

Here’s an example:

=EOMONTH(A1, 3)2023-05-31
The EOMONTH Function

Assuming the date in cell A1 is 2023-02-20, the formula returns the last day of the month, 3 months after the date.

The WORKDAY Function

The WORKDAY function returns a date that is a specified number of workdays before or after a date. The syntax for the WORKDAY function is:

WORKDAY(start_date, days, [holidays])

Here’s an example:

=WORKDAY(A1, 5)2023-02-27
The WORKDAY Function

Assuming the date in cell A1 is 2023-02-20, the formula returns a date that is 5 workdays after the date.

Real-World Scenarios

Let’s explore some real-world scenarios where these date and time functions can be useful:

Scenario 1: Tracking Project Deadlines

Suppose you’re managing a project and need to track the deadlines. You can use the TODAY function to enter the current date and the EOMONTH function to calculate the deadline.

Project A=EOMONTH(TODAY(), 2)
Project B=EOMONTH(TODAY(), 3)
Scenario 1: Tracking Project Deadlines

Scenario 2: Calculating Employee Workdays

Suppose you’re an HR manager and need to calculate the number of workdays an employee has taken off. You can use the WORKDAY function to calculate the number of workdays.

EmployeeStart DateEnd DateWorkdays
John2023-02-102023-02-20=WORKDAY(A2, B2)
Scenario 2: Calculating Employee Workdays

Scenario 3: Generating Reports

Suppose you’re a financial analyst and need to generate reports on a monthly basis. You can use the NOW function to enter the current date and time.

Report DateReport Time
Scenario 3: Generating Reports

Tips and Tricks

Here are some tips and tricks to keep in mind when working with date and time functions in Excel:

  • Always format your dates and times correctly to avoid errors.
  • Use the DATE function to enter a date in a specific format.
  • Use the TIME function to enter a time in a specific format.
  • Use the DATEDIF function to calculate the difference between two dates.
  • Use the WORKDAY.INTL function to calculate workdays based on a specific calendar.

Common Errors and Troubleshooting

Here are some common errors and troubleshooting tips when working with date and time functions in Excel:

  • Error: #NUM – This error occurs when the date or time is not valid. Check the format of the date or time and ensure it is correct.
  • Error: #VALUE – This error occurs when the function is not recognized. Check the syntax of the function and ensure it is correct.
  • Error: #NAME – This error occurs when the function is not recognized. Check the syntax of the function and ensure it is correct.

Best Practices

Here are some best practices to keep in mind when working with date and time functions in Excel:

  • Always use a consistent date and time format throughout your spreadsheet.
  • Use named ranges or references to make your formulas more readable and maintainable.
  • Use error handling techniques, such as IFERROR or IFBLANK, to handle errors and blank cells.
  • Use conditional formatting to highlight important dates and times.


In this comprehensive guide, we’ve explored four essential date and time functions in Excel: TODAY, NOW, EOMONTH, and WORKDAY. We’ve also covered real-world scenarios, tips and tricks, common errors and troubleshooting, and best practices. By mastering these functions, you’ll be able to work more efficiently and effectively with dates and times in your Excel spreadsheets.

Next Steps

Now that you’ve learned about date and time functions in Excel, here are some next steps to take:

  • Practice using the TODAY, NOW, EOMONTH, and WORKDAY functions in your own spreadsheets.
  • Experiment with other date and time functions, such as DATEDIF and WORKDAY.INTL.
  • Apply what you’ve learned to real-world scenarios, such as tracking project deadlines or calculating employee workdays.

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